Thursday, March 5, 2020

Plumbing Dallas TX

+Plumbing Dallas TX

How to Maintain a Clean Toilet ?

Method 1
Cleaning Inside the Bowl
1- Add toilet cleaner or other household cleaner to the bowl inside and let it work for a couple of minutes under the bottom.
2- Sprinkle baking soda all around the inner bowl sides to provide a more normal, non-chemical cleaning. 

Method 2
Cleaning Outside the Bowl
1- Sprinkle a household cleaner with a paper towel or clean rag around the outside of the pot, lid and cover.
2- Wipe the cup, cap, and seat outside with pre-moistened disinfecting wipes.
3- Use a solution of 1 part water and 1 part vinegar.

Method 3
Maintaining a Clean Bowl
1- In a spray bottle, mix water and vinegar in a solution of equal parts.
2- Keep pre-moisturized disinfecting wipes on hand and use them regularly to clean the bowl's exterior.
3- Use products that clip with each flush to the side of the bowl and clean the water.
4- Using tablet items that live in the toilet tank and clean with each flush the water.
5- Keep the toilet brush clean too.

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Tel : 972-885-9046
